Is NFT (Crypto) Legal In Iraq

The emergence of cryptocurrencies and blockchains has completely transformed the world of online financial transactions and trading. These recent developments have revolutionized the way payments are made and how contracting parties fulfill their commitments. However, there is an ongoing debate surrounding the viability, legality, and practicality of cryptocurrencies. 

With the growing acceptance of cryptocurrency in various countries, it is vital to have a clear grasp of the legal framework surrounding it in your own jurisdiction. This will help you make informed choices about whether or not to invest in this asset. Here’s what you need to know about NFTs in Iraq.

What Is The Legal Stance Of Crypto in Iraq?

Based on reports from the U.S. Library of Congress, nine countries had outrightly banned cryptocurrencies as of November 2021. These nations are Tunisia, Algeria, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Nepal, and Qatar. There are 42 more countries that have implicit bans on the asset, usually in the form of prohibiting financial institutions in those countries from accepting cryptocurrency companies as clients.

In spite of the government’s persistent efforts to restrict their usage, cryptocurrencies are growing in popularity in Iraq. The Iraqi Central Bank has been particularly hostile, releasing a statement in 2017 forbidding their use, which remains in effect to this day. The Kurdistan regional government’s Ministry of Interior issued similar instructions in early 2021, prohibiting money brokerages and exchanges from dealing in cryptocurrency.

Regulatory Gaps in Crypto And NFTs In Iraq

Stocks and other traditional speculative assets are subject to extensive legal regulations that serve to safeguard investors. Currently, speculative digital assets such as NFTs and cryptocurrencies do not have these kinds of legal safeguards. 

Since NFTs are a relatively new class of assets, most countries have not created the necessary legal and regulatory frameworks. Although there aren’t any regulations specifically for NFTs, NFTs, and other digital assets might be covered by existing federal laws that govern assets. 

Is Now A Good Time To Invest In NFTs?

NFTs are one of the most popular trends right now. Even celebrities are creating their own NFTs, which adds to the allure. However, this does not imply that the trend is permanent. Things can change, as they do with every trend. 

The NFT market has seen significant recent changes. Certain NFT projects that were well-liked in the past aren’t as popular now. Recent changes have resulted in a fall in the value of several NFTs. However, some NFTs continue to have strong communities backing them despite their lower costs, suggesting that the trend is still strong. 


Despite government limitations, cryptocurrency remains popular in Iraq, highlighting the challenges of navigating legal regulations in new financial ecosystems. As regulations struggle to keep up with innovation, it is always useful to be aware of the changing legal landscape for making informed investment decisions regarding cryptocurrencies and NFTs in Iraq.

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