In its most recent version, Telegram added a number of new features that are intended to improve security and user experience. Advanced message search filters, a third-party-powered account verification mechanism, and a creative method for converting presents into NFTs are among the latest features. The main updates are broken down in detail below:
Verification of Third-Party Accounts for Increased Security
Telegram’s verification program used to concentrate on well-known people and institutions. By collaborating with outside agencies, such food-quality inspectors and educational organizations, to validate accounts, the platform has now extended this feature.
The customary blue checkmark will be replaced by a unique logo next to the name of verified accounts. “This decentralized platform for additional verification will help prevent scams and reduce misinformation — with a unique proactive solution that sets a new safety standard for social platforms,” Telegram wrote in a blog post, highlighting the advantages of this decentralized method.
To obtain the verified mark, people and organizations wishing to be verified must first go through the screening procedure and fill out an application. Like the verification mechanism on X (previously Twitter), organizations can use Telegram’s Bot API to control the verification status of accounts associated with them. The logo of the organization will appear on the profile of verified accounts linked to that organization.
Creating NFTs from Gifts
Additionally, Telegram has added a special tool that lets users convert digital presents into NFTs. Telegram Stars, which may be acquired through the app or by connecting a TON cryptocurrency wallet on the Fragment website, can be used to buy these presents, which come with personalized backgrounds and symbols.
These NFT collectibles can be traded or sold by users on other platforms. However, in order to pay for blockchain-related expenses, Telegram charges a fee for converting gifts into NFTs. This project is in line with Telegram’s continuous investigation into integrating cryptocurrencies for in-app purchases, gaming experiences, and creative monetization.
New Search Filters and Emoji Reactions
Telegram has introduced an emoji reaction option for service messages, including notifications when someone joins a group, in an effort to increase user engagement. To help users locate specific messages, the site also added sophisticated search filters for channels, private chats, and group conversations.
With these changes, Telegram maintains its position as a top chat software by fusing cutting-edge user experiences with improved security.